Maude Comtois-Cabana

Meet Maude:

Maude is a French-Canadian student doing research from sea to sea. She completed her BSc in Psychology at Université de Montréal and then decided to pursue a MSc in Psychology at the same university to investigate the role of epigenetic (i.e., DNA methylation) and endocrine (i.e., cortisol stress response) mechanisms in the association between childhood maltreatment and adult depression. She is now pursuing a Joint PhD in Psychology at Université de Montréal and in Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University under the supervision of Isabelle Dr. Ouellet-Morin (Associate Professor, School of Criminology, Université de Montréal) and Dr. Nadine Provençal (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University) and co-supervision of Dr. Jessica Dennis. If you don’t find her in the lab, you’ll find her outside! :beach_with_umbrella::hiking_boot::woman_climbing::skier:

More about her work in the Dennis Lab:

Her thesis focuses on the unique and joint contributions of genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors, particularly childhood psychosocial adversity (i.e., abuse and/or neglect by adults, bullying by peers) in the development of mental health problems in emerging adulthood.